
SlimmeRUN 2009

The SlimmeRUN 2009. This is my next target 5k race. I think I'll try to join a race once a month, just to keep me conditioned in a race environment aside from my weekly 5k runs. I love the way such races are organized, i.e. vehicle traffic is cleared from the race path, no dogs, and there are water stops along the way.

I was able to coax 4 of my officemates (so far) into joining the race on the 18th. MP, who also ran with me in the 5k Condura Run, will participate in the SlimmeRUN 16k race ---not for me, YET.

I think my goal for next year's Condura Run is to run the 21k half-marathon, something to add in my "been there, done that" list.

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