I have only watched the original EHeads live once. That was during college when they guested at our fairgrounds at DB Manda during a one night concert. They were only a front-act then to Introvoys and After Image but seeing Ely, Reimund, Buddy, and Marcus play 3 songs from the Ultraelectromagneticpop! album made that a night for me to remember.
Yes I was one of those hooked to the Eraserheads phenomenon. Among their albums, I was able to collect (in cassette format):
1. Circus
2. Cutterpillow
3. Fruitcake
4. Bananatype
5. Sticker Happy
6. Natin '99
They were THE band for me at the time. So, the sudden exit of Ely from the band saddened me like any other EHead fan....
Oh YEAH!!!!! I hope I could land in one of those free tickets!