
Day15-17: Las Vegas

The drive from California to Las Vegas took us about 3 1/2 hours, thanks to T's F1 driving on the Fed Hway, from 8pm 'til close to midnight. It seems that going 70mph was fast from the backseat so when I had the chance to drive from the Cali-LasVegas stateline to our hotel, I thought of driving conservatively. To my surprise the Rover that we used didn't feel that fast once you're the driver. I managed to reach 90mph (144kmh)!

We stayed at the Excalibur Hotel which is a theme-hotel focusing on the medieval ages. I laughed at the thought that the bellboys will be dressed as knights, carrying our baggages to our room unmindful of their heavy armor-wear.

The next day we headed to the outlet shops which was quite a good deal, except that I couldn't find anything at Nike or Adidas that excited me. That's one downer about outlet shops: they don't sell all products compared to the ones found in their mall-branches.

After the outlet shop, the missus and I suddenly had a weird, compulsive idea to get married again since we were in the wedding-capital of the US. It sort of came out as a dare at first and then, slowly, excitement and eagerness came into play. So T, who was driving then, turned a few streets until we found the famous Little White Chapel wherein Michael Jordan got married.

The Little White Chapel had several chapels and a drive-thru. YES, you read that right: a DRIVE-THRU wedding option. The missus wanted the chapel option. For those who want to get married, a marriage-license is required but since the missus and I were just renewing our wedding vows, we didn't need it.

So after paying for 144USD for the chapel, ceremony, a white rose, and a 12-shot photo-option from their official photographer (who was a kind Mexican btw), we got married again in front of a Hawaiian chief. At least, as the missus says, "Ibang trip ito. Only a few can say that they toured Vegas and got married there."

We hopped back into the Rover and headed for our "reception" which was at the Mirage Hotel Cravings buffet. Incidentally, it was T who missed our original reception since she had to attend to their Dad who got ill then. So, along with her daughter B, they were the only guests on our 2nd reception which was quite a good meal.

B had a stomach-ache so she and T had to leave me, the missus, and my boy left to explore the Vegas strip. The famed Bellagio fountain, shown at the ending of the Clooney film Oceans 11, was quite a performance. I highly recommend those that would go to Vegas watch it (it's free, so don't worry). We walked from The Mirage, to Caesar's Palace, the Bellagio, Monte Carlo, NY-NY, and then Excalibur. YES, we walked almost half of the strip which was about 1.49miles according to Yahoo Maps. It was a good 30-40 minutes of walking (while pushing my boy's stroller) so at least the buffet dinner I ate had burned (10% of the whole calorie-intake? hehe).

The following morning we checked-out and headed to the hotel's arcade located downstairs. Do you know that game wherein there's a 3-hook crane that you try to get a stuffed-toy? I really find it hard to think that anyone could win that game ---until that day. With the help of the missus panning the z-axis, I measured the crane's x-axis that we got that big big (BIG!) Los Angeles ball for my boy (who screamed in his high-pitched delighted voice, "BALL!").

T and B won a lot of stuffed toys as well while the missus rode a 3-course 4D ride which took quite some time to complete.

We boarded the Rover for our trip back to North Hills. This route took us almost 7 hours(?) since it seemed that the rest of those who spent the long-weekend at Vegas decided to go back to their homes at the same time as ours.

Las Vegas was quite a city. Even though the missus and I lost about 80USD on the slot machines, it was quite an enjoyable trip.

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